Our delivery

Excellent Instructor Quality

At Plemstall Consulting we emphasise the quality of our instructors. All credible consulting companies teach similar Lean and Six Sigma methods and tools. The major difference between training programs is the instructors’ experience and ability to relate that knowledge to your real-world situations. Our instructors and mentors have not been life-long consultants. Many have been among the best in other consulting companies, while others went into consulting following successful careers as process improvement leaders. Because of this wealth of real-world experience, we consistently score extremely well on customer satisfaction and instructor quality.

Practical Credible Programs

The whole point of implementing Lean Six Sigma is to enhance your organisation’s ability to execute your business strategy (it is not about learning lots of tools). Our programs emphasise a practical approach geared to delivering those real-world results. If you prefer a more academic theoretical approach you should probably go elsewhere. We will cover enough theory for you to understand the concepts, but we will not get you so lost that you miss the application of the concepts.